“Conscious farming has the power to change the world” -Patrick Strasser
“What does Bee Conscious mean?”
At Bee Conscious Farm, we believe no chemicals or unnecessary soil amendments should ever be applied. With deeply intensive farming practices, Bee Conscious Farm aims to reestablish, preserve, and aid life.
We use ONLY organic ingredients. From our chicken feed to the ingredients in our pastries, everything is organic.
Our packaging is compostable!
We farm beyond organic standards allowing you to bee-conscious easily. Bringing you nothing but fresh, nutrient dense, locally grown food!
What’s on our farm?
100 Chickens!
We allow them to forage in multiple spots on the farm. This helps them gather the nutrients they need while giving them the feral life they deserve. They provide us with the most wonderful eggs!
The inspiration behind the project of bee conscious farm came from the knowledge of dramatic population reduction in the honey bee. We currently have 3 hives with future plans of adding a new hive each year. Fun fact: Some crops on our farm such as the cherries and berries are 90 percent dependent on our honey bee pollination!